With the year end tournament coming up on Saturday, it’s time for the IT Nerd to retire from spending WAY too much time on this site and golf stats…
2014 was a year of change for TBO. We ditched the old Match play scoring in favor of the Modified Stableford Quota Scoring system. This radically changed the way in which you approach your matches. We also moved to three man teams from two man. We went from four 8-man flights to three 12-man flights and had a random draw to determine the third man. Cross-flight play was introduced to mix up the competition. Lots of changes were made and the use of past year’s stats were applied in an attempt to make the best decisions.
That being said, I wanted to plant in all your minds some thoughts to think about over the winter. Given that this was our first year in the new system, I think that we need to review what worked/what didn’t work and think about how to improve for next year.
Below are lists of ideas to improve for next year. I’d still need to review the impact of each proposed idea and run it by the Commish to get his thoughts. Also, we’d probably need to get the entire league to weigh in at the preseason meeting before making any changes.
- A Quota “floor” or minimum – Given that some guys have Quota’s that are super low, it just takes one or two good shots to meet these quotas. This idea would make it so that a Quota could not dip below a certain number, say 5 or 6.
- Minus 1 point for scoring triple bogey or worse – The thought is that once folks reach double bogey, they have no points anyway and its in their best interests to just get a double par. This would provide incentive for getting in with a double bogey. Would need to see how big of an impact this would be.
- Modification of Quota Scoring Formula Starting Point – Without getting into too much detail, the idea here would be to make Quota’s go up across the entire league, thus making it harder to hit your quota.
- Modification of Quota Scoring Formula to look at last 4, 5, or 6 rounds, not entire season – Currently, Quota’s are relatively easy to move in the early parts of the year and it gets harder to move it towards the end of the year, regardless of how you are actually playing. The idea here is that the Quota system would be reflecting how you are playing over the last 4, 5 or 6 rounds, not over the entire season.
- Removal of the “Max +/- 1 Quota Movement” per week – Somewhat closely related to the previous bullet, the idea is that the Quota would be reflecting how you are actually playing. The thought is that if you really are playing well or bad, the Quota would follow you there ASAP as opposed to needing 2-3 weeks to adjust.
All thoughts that will be reviewed, debated, discussed, mulled over in the off season!
See you all on Saturday.
IT Nerd