Week 17 completed and here’s what it looks like….

Couldn’t get a win, could ya Devin?! With Connor’s win over Devin, it officially eliminates the IT Nerd’s team from taking home the title. Here’s what the standings look like

Team Standings Pts Pts Back
Connor Brown Drew Prucha Bill Kirkby 73                –
Dick Donegan Dan Mahar Tom Donegan 71            (2.0)
Jon Carroll Dale Russell Gary Thompson 70.5            (2.5)
Mike Carroll DJ Mahar Jim Morgan 68.5            (4.5)

That puts Connor/Drew/Bill in the driver’s seat for the title. Jon/Dale/Gary need to have a strong performance to take the title or force a playoff. Dickie/Dan/Tom can take the title, but they also need a strong performance as well.

Should be an interesting Final week!!