2018 Season Preview – Is it winter still?


It is that time of year again, gentlemen. Unlike Westeros (RIP Viserion), winter is finally behind us. Time to start focusing on what all of our wives dread, TBO GOLF!!

For those who haven’t had the chance to play Tanner yet, the course is soft, but in surprisingly decent condition. The Tanner crew did a lot of tree removal ahead of the season. The approach on #4 has trees trimmed on the right of the green. The area between #9 and #15 had a lot of trees removed as well. Looking forward to all the improvements RJ and crew look to make.

As for a special guest this year, I put out the feelers to a lot of celebrities who I know follow this league. Jim Nance was still locked up in some stupid cabin down at the Masters, Jim Blowheim was tied up trying to convince Tyus Battle to stay, and Dino Babers only comment after every question was “WHO’S HOUSE?! OUR HOUSE!! OUR HOUSE!!!”. I felt like with all these TBO fans, surely someone would step up and provide predictions? Who could the league turn to for this critical piece to be fulfilled?

Mr. President!! You do a us a great honor by joining us again to provide your thoughts on the league! I would ask that you call me by the correct name, tho. It is “IT Nerd”, not “Computer Dork”. Why would we switch to Mar-A-Lago? Tanner Valley is so close for us…

Wow, we’ll have to put that to a vote then! Before we get too far off topic Mr. President, I’d like for you to provide your thoughts on who you think will do well?

Bold prediction, sir. Anyone else you predict to struggle this year?

Who do you see as having a good year this year, Mr. President?

Mr. President, with all due respect sir, I’d like to set the record straight with you in regards to the #FailingDonegans. The 2017, 2016 and 2015 Champions all had two Donegans on them. Chris Donegan was even one of those champions! How can you say that they are failing?

I don’t know how you can say it’s a witch hunt, Mr. President. It is a fact that the Donegan’s, led by Tom Donegan, are dominating the league. I don’t know how we can convince you of this fact…

Well, Mr. President, I’m glad to see that you’ve come around to realize that the Donegans are producing some excellent results. I’d like to start asking you about the 2018 Season, Mr. President. What I did was simulate the 2018 season using a mix of past results. I contemplated using some regression analysis, selectively weighting particular weeks based upon trending results and….

……..jesus, I hate you. Fine!! On to the stats then! Let’s take a look at how the first half of the year is predicted to shake out

Wow, that’s an awful low showing for the team populated soley with Donegans (Jack, Joe, Tom). Dan Mahar also going undefeated for the first half of the season is also quite impressive!

Oh yes, we get it. R for Republican…how witty. Let’s let the simulation run a little bit more and see how things stand prior to the start of play for Week 17

I’m also impressed by Pat Cregg shaking the moniker of ‘TBO Deadweight’ and in a position to finish strong. Looks like the Maha’R’ clan is moving to overthrow the Donegans! How do things look heading into Week 18 and Position Night?

My word, Mr. President….grow up! Here’s a glimpse at the standings heading into Week 18 play.

Wow, looks like it shakes out that only two teams are fighting for the title.

It certainly looks that way, Mr. President! Are you sure there there are only two teams fighting for the title?

Lost in the woods since Week 15?! But, Mr. President, that was almost 3 weeks ago? Hopefully he’ll emerge before Week 18 play. Let’s see the final standings after Week 18!

Father overtakes son! Wow, what a finish! Look at some of those records at the top!

Still, Mr. President, Dan Mahar going 13-1-4?! He didn’t lose a match until Week 14. Do you even remember the last time we saw a streak like that?

I remember those days, Mr. President…..Wait a minute, sir…… I’m getting something emailed to me, Mr. President…it looks like you might want to take a look at it!

Should we be worried, Mr. President? What are we going to do?

TBO Lives on for yet another year of shenanigans! Enjoy the year folks! Mr. President, care to leave us with any final words?