Weeks 1 -3

Up to Week 12 or until fully completed, I’m going to post the Schedule for Weeks 1-3 and highlight in GREEN those cards which have been received and entered.

Getting me your cards ASAP after you play is important so I can enter them in a timely fashion. Screenshots, photos, etc…anything that I can save out in the OneDrive where the cards are stored.

Please note that as cards are entered for these weeks, your team points in the standings may be going up or down. This will be due to the Team Point changing hands as makeups come in.

For those that are playing make ups and would like to know what your Quota’s are, please go to the 2020 Standings Page. In the Individual golfer table, you’ll find the latest Quota’s for any golfer. I’ll do my best to keep that up to date, but it requires cards being submitted timely.

Here’s the cards I’ve got so far on Weeks 1 and 2.

IT Nerd