Full Schedule Posted and Week 1 Matches set

The IT Nerd has been on the phone since the draft trying to secure top notch guest appearances for the upcoming season, so be on the lookout for the official 2021 TBO Season Preview.

In the meantime, El Commish has requested the schedule be posted and Week 1 matchups set.

Link to the Full TBO schedule

Week 1 Matchups

Week 1
Dale Russell12VS11TJ Donegan
Rick Fanto12VS9John Mooney
Denny Welch9VS9Paul Daniels
DJ Mahar14VS12Mike Carroll
Chris Donegan10VS9Marty Donegan
Mike Burns9VS6Bob Moran
Craig Hawkinson14VS13Steve Donegan
Sean Mott9VS11Mike Shanahan
Bill Kirkby7*VS8Pat Cregg
Dan Kane16VS12Merritt Daniels
Dan Mahar11VS12Matt Lochner
Mike Mahar5VS6Tom Donegan
Dick Donegan13VS17Devin Carrigan
Brian Thayer10VS12Drew Prucha
Joe Donegan6VS8Bob Zaleski
Connor Brown17VS15Pat Donahue
Jim Morgan10VS10Pat Mooney
Jon Carroll9VS4Jeff Raus
* Two Quota Points added to account for shift from White to Gold tees