Some Stats!…and some knowledge

Since it’s been a while since I’ve dropped some stats….and knowledge.

One odd stat: There’s only been one Eagle this entire year. Dale Russell Eagled #18 in Week 4

Double Par Counts:

The below is a table that calculates how many double par’s there have been by player and by flight. Flight 1 is interesting in that there have only been 7 double pars with five of them coming from one player (Dan Kane).

If the season ended today, which flight am I in?

I’d very much like to point out that this is not final (season hasn’t ended yet, idiot), there could be people going out/coming in, etc. BUT, I think people would be interested to see what flight they might be in next year.

A little background on the scoring system…DROP THAT KNOWLEDGE!!

Before dropping knowledge, want to say one thing: There is no perfect system. No matter what changes are proposed to overcome the flaws in the current system, it introduces issues new, different flaws. The challenge as a league is to recognize and accept the flaws in the system we use.

I can’t tell you how many times I hear these comments and I’m sure El Commish does too. It’s usually uttered after a player loses a match:

  1. “I just shot an X last week, how is my quota Y?”
  2. “I never hit my quota each week, how is it my quota doesn’t move?”

I just shot X last week, how is my quota a Y?

Regarding the quota calculation and what you shot last week, its quite simple to do the calculation on your own:

  1. Take the last six rounds you shot – For this example, lets say 44, 42, 46, 44, 45, 40
  2. Eliminate your best score and worst score leaving you with four rounds – For this example, 44, 42, 46, 44, 45, 40
  3. Average the remaining four scores – 44+42+44+45 = 43.75
  4. Subtract the difference from par (36): 43.75-36 = 7.75
  5. Multiply that difference from par by .8 : 7.75 x .8 = 6.2
  6. Round down that difference to the nearest whole number: 6.2 becomes 6. That is your Handicap in TBO
  7. Take your handicap and multiply by 2 to get your 18 hole Handicap: 6 x 2 = 12
  8. Take that 18 hole Handicap and subtract from 34: 34 – 12 = 24. This is your 18 hole Quota
  9. Take that 18 hole Quota and divide by 2 to get your 9 hole Quota: 18 / 2 = 9
  10. Your quota is 9

I never hit my quota each week, how is it my quota doesn’t move?

There’s two answers to this question: This first is somewhat straightforward, while the second is more in-depth

Straight Forward answer: Your quota has nothing to do with how many quota points you earn. It is entirely based upon strokes. I’ll repeat: Quota has nothing to do with how many points you earned.

  • If you look at the above on how quotas are calculated, it has nothing to do with how you did against your quota. It is purely a calculation based upon what you shot over time.
  • Will people have a quota of 8 and go out and get 16 points (+8)? Yes, its going to happen, but that is very rare….In season so far in 2021, the likelihood of a golfer shooting+1 vs. their quota or better is 25% across all flights. So if you happen to run into that guy, tip your cap, say “good round” and move on.

More in-depth answer: The system was designed in such a way that half the league would reach/surpass their quota each week, while the other half would be short of their quota.

In order to design a system that did just that, the IT Nerd went into overdrive and ran multiple simulated seasons. The quota calculation was tailored in such a way to produce those results. Specifically, step 8 in the quota calculation and using 34 as the starting point. If you increase that number, less people get their quota. If you decrease it, more people get their quota. Again, the system was designed for balance: Even split of those reaching quota and those not.

In looking at the 2021 season results so far, I can confirm that the system is performing as designed.