2021 Season Recap

Before getting into the recap, let’s all take a moment and thank our wives/significant others for putting up with yet another year of TBO golf. Let’s also pause to apologize to our livers, brains, other vital organs. Let us also finally remember the small amount of work we all did on Friday morning after another session with Bridget and the Thursday crew at Tanner. Special shoutout to all the recording devices at Tanner Valley for helping me put together this recap as I forget most of what is done/said down there!

Let’s first start with our Season Preview and who our mystery guest (James Arthur Blowheim) picked to win the league: The team of Connor/Jim Morgan/Jon Carroll. He gave them the supreme rating of five Boeheim Boogers out of five:

Well Jimmy, let’s just say you should stick with basketball. Here’s a few of your lines from the preview:

“I think this team has what it takes to get the job done. Connor will do well in Flight 1. Jon’s foray into Flight 3 will yield good results. The question is can Jim Morgan do enough in Flight 2? I think so.”

James Arthur Blowheim, “2021 Season Preview”, April 27, 2021

Let’s break that down by the respective golfers:

  • Connor will do well in Flight 1…” – WRONG! Starting the year at 1-5 was the death sentence. He corrected the ship eventually by finishing 5-3-4, but an overall record of 6-8-4 isn’t going to cut it
  • “….can Jim Morgan do enough in Flight 2? I think so.”: Pretty accurate on this, Coach. Jim finished with a record of 10-7-1, making him a top 10 golfer.
  • Jon’s foray into Flight 3 will yield good results.” Let’s just say this prediction was not quite accurate. Jon’s finish of 4-8-5 puts him in the bottom 5 of TBO golfers.

Switching gears to the two teams battling it out for the title, oddly enough both teams were given the same Boeheim Booger rating:

The interesting thing about these two teams was where the team leadership came from on the course. The eventual champions were led by the Bud-heavy-boozin’ brute, #1 ranked TBO golfer Mike Mahar out of Flight 3. His teammates were middle of the pack. Similar story with the second place team led by the Flight 1 Bellevue Country Club extraordinaire Devin ‘Snowflake’ Carrigan, who was #4 ranked golfer. His teammates also were middle of the pack.

So enough about the talk, let’s get to some stats!

Final 2021 Flights (Note: Subject to change!!)

Top 3 Improved Golfers:

  1. Billy Kirkby: EIGHT STROKE IMPROVEMENT over 18 holes! That’s the power of the Gold Tees!
  2. Denny Welch: down 3.63 strokes per 18 holes
  3. Joe Donegan: down 3.38 strokes per 18

Top 3 Regressed Golfers:

  1. Bobby Moran: Added 5.29 strokes per 18
  2. Dickie Donegan: added 3.89 strokes per 18
  3. Paul Daniels: added 2.78 strokes per hole
   FrontBackChange from 20202020 AvgMost Improved
Flight 1Devin Carrigan75.4439.5635.89-0.8976.3311
 Connor Brown78.4740.2238.25-0.9979.469
 Pat Donahue79.8841.0038.88-0.0179.8917
 Merritt Daniels82.9442.4440.50-2.3285.264
 Dan Kane83.2242.5640.671.1582.0725
 Mike Carroll83.4342.0041.430.5882.8520
 DJ Mahar83.8942.6741.220.6083.2921
 TJ Donegan83.9542.6741.29-0.4984.4415
 Steve Donegan84.8942.5642.330.7884.1122
 Dale Russell86.0043.6342.38-0.6186.6114
 Craig Hawkinson86.0043.8942.111.4784.5329
 Dick Donegan86.1145.1141.003.8982.2233
Flight 2Pat Mooney87.1345.0042.13 
 Chris Donegan87.4444.3343.11-1.1988.647
 Drew Prucha88.3344.1144.22-0.6789.0012
 Sean Mott89.4445.2244.22-1.5691.006
 Rick Fanto89.7644.8844.891.3288.4427
 Matt Lochner89.7845.7844.002.4487.3331
 Dan Mahar90.4444.1146.331.2289.2226
 Jim Morgan90.5645.6744.89-1.1991.757
 Denny Welch91.0047.0044.00-3.6394.632
 Mike Shanahan92.4445.6746.781.7490.7130
 Mike Burns93.2646.4346.83-0.6493.9013
 Jon Carroll94.2248.5645.67-1.6995.925
Flight 3John Mooney94.3547.7846.570.9793.3823
 Marty Donegan94.4447.4447.001.3293.1328
 Bill Kirkby95.1349.0046.13-8.11103.241
 Paul Daniels96.3349.3347.002.7893.5632
 Pat Cregg96.8548.0248.830.4696.3918
 Bob Zaleski97.6847.4350.25-0.0797.7516
 Brian Thayer97.8949.8948.00 
 Tom Donegan98.7149.4349.290.5598.1719
 Joe Donegan100.7349.8850.86-3.38104.113
 Bob Moran102.6351.7550.885.2997.3334
 Mike Mahar102.7852.7850.001.03101.7524
 Jeff Raus102.9051.5751.33-0.93103.8310

Double Par counts:

Flight one saw a few more double pars in 2021 compared to 2020 (Thanks Dan Kane!!), Flight 2 was right around the same as last year, while Flight 3 had a much better year mostly due to lower double par numbers from Billy Kirkby (Thank you Gold Tees!) and Joe Donegan. Interestingly, Joe seems to have gotten over his double par fears on #18. He had one 10, no 9’s and one 8 on #18. However, it would appear the fears just swam up the creek a little to #9 as Joey double parred it 3 out of the first 4 weeks….and then again in Week 17. #9 is the new #18 for Joe.

Double Par Counts20212020
Flight 196
Dale Russell02
TJ Donegan01
DJ Mahar11
Mike Carroll12
Craig Hawkinson00
Steve Donegan01
Dan Kane50
Merritt Daniels00
Dick Donegan21
Devin Carrigan00
Connor Brown00
Pat Donahue00
Flight 23031
Rick Fanto15
John Mooney12
Chris Donegan01
Marty Donegan36
Sean Mott12
Mike Shanahan21
Dan Mahar31
Matt Lochner32
Brian Thayer6 
Drew Prucha43
Jim Morgan58
Pat Mooney1 
Flight 37890
Denny Welch23
Paul Daniels27
Mike Burns16
Bob Moran75
Bill Kirkby38
Pat Cregg84
Mike Mahar1514
Tom Donegan34
Joe Donegan1522
Bob Zaleski53
Jon Carroll109
Jeff Raus79

Top 5 Luckiest Golfers (golfers who’s opponents shot under quota)

  1. Dan Mahar: Opponents were MINUS THIRTY (-30) vs. their quotas vs. Dan. He had only two opponents all year go over their quota all year ( Week 6 Jim Morgan, +4 (loss), Week 7 Mike Burns +1 (win)). While being this lucky is not the sole reason for taking home the title, it really does help
  2. Brian Thayer: Opponents were -23 vs. their quota vs. Figs. Didn’t help him very much as we’ll cover in the next section. Have to be both lucky and good.
  3. Pat “Ssshhhh, they might be listening” Cregg: Cregger’s opponents were blinded in a haze of cigarette smoke and Coors Light foam shooting -21 vs. quota.
  4. Jim Morgan: Tie for fourth with Prucha with opponents going -20 vs. Quota.
  5. Drew Prucha: Tie for fourth with morgan (-20). Worth pointing out that

Top 5 Unluckiest Golfers (golfer’s who’s opponents shot their asses off vs. quota)

  1. Pat Donahue: Opponents were +25 vs. their quota against Pat. A 6-8-4 record is not too shabby given what he was up against.
  2. TJ Donegan: Opponents were +24 vs. quota. This level of opponent performance would be a leading cause of TJ’s final record of 4-8-4
  3. Bob Moran: Tie for third: Opponents were +20 vs. quota
  4. Dale Russell: Tie for third: Opponents were +20 vs. quota
  5. Connor Brown: Opponents were +16 vs. quota. Despite Connor’s top 5 Player Performance, this once again proves that to make it to the top of TBO, you have to both play well and not be unlucky.

Top 5 Over-Performing Golfers vs. Quota

  1. Devin Carrigan – Devin shot an incredible +23 vs. his quota. Interestingly, there are lot of extremes throughout Devin’s year. Devin has rounds of +9, +8, +6, but also notched rounds of -5 twice, -7.
  2. Joseph Donegan – Interestingly with Joey, most weeks Joe was +/-2 within his quota. However, I feel for the person who ran into Joe when he was +9 vs. his quota (TWICE!). Joe ended up the year at +15 vs. his quota
  3. Mike Mahar – The Flight 3 Champ was +9 vs. his quota. Much like Joe, most weeks were -1, 0 or +1 vs. his quota. However, Mike had a few weeks where he shot his ass off.
  4. Mike Carroll – Tied for fourth with a +7 vs. quota
  5. Connor Brown – Tied for fourth with a +7 vs. quota.

Top 5 Under-Performing Golfers vs. Quota

  1. Brian “Figs” Thayer – As with most first year golfers, the start of the season was tough for Figs. Over the first seven weeks, Figs was -35 vs. quota. He managed to stay even for the remainder of the season and finished the year at….-35 vs. his quota.
  2. Mike Shanahan – Shanny managed to eek out a 7-10-1 record despite a year that saw him finish at -28 vs. his quota.
  3. Bobby Zeleski – With his second season on the Gold tees, Bob put up a -21 vs. his quota.
  4. Pat Cregg – Tied for fourth with a -17 vs. quota
  5. John Mooney – Tied for fourth with a -17 vs. quota

Random ass Stats…

  • The winning team score of 77.5 is tied for the all time highest (2014 – Nick Wight, DJ Mahar, Bob Moran)
  • The last place team score of 42 represents an all-time low. The previous all time low was also in 2014 with a score of 43 (Dale Russell, Chris Donegan, Marty Donegan)
  • There was only one Eagle recorded for the whole year – Dale Russell on #18 in Week 4.
  • The person who tied for the worst round vs. quota (-8 in Week 1) also had the best round vs. quota (+11 in Week 16) – Dickie Donegan
  • There were two double digit rounds vs. quota: Dickie in Week 16 at +11 and Jon Carroll at +10 in Week 14.
  • Updated Player vs. Player all-time records

Odd stats about winning the title…

  • Excluding the two new golfers Pat Mooney and Brian Thayer, 15 of the 34 remaining golfers have not won a TBO title.
  • Of that 15, there are four golfers from the original 2008 TBO roster who have not won a title:
    • Rick Fanto – highest finish of 3rd in 2018
    • Pat Donahue – highest finish of 3rd in 2020
    • Mike Carroll – highest finish of 3rd in 2016, 2017
    • Pat Cregg – highest finish of 3rd in 2020
  • Only two current players have officially won the title three times:
    • DJ Mahar – 2012, 2014, 2018
    • Tom Donegan – Another record holder as the only golfer to win it three straight years: 2015, 2016, 2017
  • An additional five current players have won two titles with one former player winning two:
    • Joe Donegan – 2019, 2020
    • Craig Hawkinson – 2013, 2020
    • Dan Maher – 2016, 2021
    • Matt Lochner – 2019, 2020
    • Jon Carroll – 2011, 2012
    • Nick Wight (retired?) – 2011, 2014

Welp, this about does it for the IT Nerd this year. Another year in the books, another year of starting at screens and not doing work.

Later losers….Now that TBO talk is over, is it time for Sleddy Talk!?!?!