Week 1 Matchups

The IT Nerd can successfully report that the changes to this years TBO format has garnered some new fans. We’ve asked one of them specifically to help us with the season preview and they have agreed. We will be sitting down the the guest this week in advance of the start of play for TBO Golf 2023!

In the mean time, here’s the Week 1 matchups:

Devin Carrigan16VS13Merritt Daniels
Connor Brown16VS13DJ Mahar
Dan Kane16VS13Steve Donegan
Pat Donahue15VS13Dick Donegan
Mike Carroll13VS11Craig Hawkinson
TJ Donegan13VS13Matt Lochner
Ed Van Slyke13VS9Sean Mott
Drew Prucha13VS11Jim Morgan
Rick Fanto10VS10Denny Welch
Chris Donegan12VS12Mike Shanahan
Dale Russell11VS10Dan Mahar
Dan Keeley9VS11Paul Daniels
John Mooney11VS4Rob Manipole
Mike Burns11VS8Brian Thayer
Marty Donegan11VS7Mike Mahar
Jon Carroll8VS8Tom Donegan
Bill Kirkby8VS6Bob Moran
Mike Costello8VS4Joe Donegan