2023 Season Preview

Welp, we’ve all survived another trip around the sun and are all thoroughly excited for the season to start. The birds are in the air, the air smells like rain and worms, Rick Fanto has washed his car 37 times already and Tanner Valley prepares for another season of using THE SAME FUCKING TOWELS FOR THE 16TH SEASON and the local degenerates of TheBarisOpen Golf league.

Before talking about this upcoming year, let’s think about what has happened since we last all got together. In a rare offseason occurrence, Syracuse Football was more fun to watch (most of the time) than Syracuse Basketball. Syracuse was voted the Best Bar town or some shit like that and we got a visit from Barstool founder Dave “El Presidente” Portnoy. I’m also happy to report that last year’s special gust speaker is alive and well!

I’m thrilled to see it, President Z! President Biden, are we sure a bike ride is a good idea? We all remember what happened last time…

Enough of this laughing at old people falling! Let’s get down to brass tax and the 2023 season upon us.

As most of you know, the TBO Golf League is quite an underground cultural phenomenon. We might not have that many fans, but those we do have are super die-hard. We were curious here at TBO headquarters (that’s the table between the Jukebox and the door at Tanner) about how these fans find us. We asked our superfans how they find out about the league and they told us. Most fans find us through good old fashioned word-of-mouth.

Rarely, however, do we get to see one of these times where the legend of TBO Golf spreads.

Coach Boeheim let us in on good news, some bad news and some even worse news after this exchange. The bad news was that Adam was no longer going to be a friend to Syracuse University with NIL money. The even worse news was that Cole Hauser decided to be a fan of the “other Thursday league” instead of TBO. The good news was that Coach sold our praises so high to Adam, that he is now a superfan and going to be following along all season on this website! Let’s welcome TBO’s newest superfan, Adam Weitsman!

The pleasure is all our, Adam! We thank you for all you’ve done for Syracuse. What made you decide this was the year where you became a TBO superfan?

Yeah, I can see that, but I’m surprised you are taking such an interest in the league. I don’t mean to disparage myself or my fellow golfers, but isn’t this league a little “minor league” for someone like yourself?

Adam – I hate to break it to you, but half of this league might have a heart attack if they tried to walk 4 holes, let alone 9 (IT Nerd shoutout to his fellow walkers!). Those are awful words to Chancellor Syverud, I’m sure he’s a nice man.

That’s not nice to say about Kunt, I mean Kent….KENT Syverud. You still haven’t answered my question: Isn’t TBO a little too bush league for you?

Maybe its my smooth brain, but I’m not following you, Adam. How can the league and it’s athletes tell a story that will end up with NIL sponsorship deals?

OOOHHHH, I see where you are going with this. So you could arrange for sponsors to the players?

Interesting pairing, Adam. But who am I to question your business instincts?

What a lovely color for Drew. That pink will really bring out the color in his eyes.

Wow, I didn’t know Merritt was such a fan of the place! I mean, he did admit he was into Reddit porn at one point, so I can’t imagine the standards are very high.

How is a TBO Golfer going to get a sponsorship with a landscaping company? It just doesn’t make sense to me…

This is just a great story, Adam. These are fine, local athletes that are partnering up with upstanding, local businesses.

This is true, I’m not on your level. But worldwide? How do you figure this can be done worldwide?

That is incredible thinking, Adam. Who would have been able to make those kinds of connections! Do you think any other golfers might be a good fit for some of these global brands?

Who could deny the power of that marketing campaign? The TBO Icon of El Commish partnering with a struggling brand. Just a match made in heaven!

The athletes I can see, but the league? How is the league going to attract sponsors?

While I like the idea of sponsoring the league, we are really going with The SnowPig Posse as a sponsor? Sleddy talk on the golf course would be unbearable. I had to block those emails on ‘sleddy talk’ as it was just horrific. Here, I can sum it up for you: 1) My snowmobile brand is better than yours, 2) Joe never rides his sled; 3) Remember that time *insert name* had their sled breakdown/run out of gas?

I like the sound of that Adam, let’s keep it fresh and really build up these brands! No sense in signing all these deals now and limiting the funds that can flow through the league!

What a 2023 TBO Season is shaping up to be. Excited to see the types of sponsorships you are able to partner us up with. Thanks Adam Weitsman and looking forward to an epic 2023 TBO Season!

IT Nerd