Week 4 Results (so far) and Week 5 Schedule

With 4 weeks in the books, just a few things the IT Nerd would like to point out

  1. Our esteemed guest for the preseason predictions (Mr. President, Donald Trump) is looking like he might be proven right. Bob Zaleski is a healthy 5-0 right now! Helps that his quota is a 1, but he still has to get that point! Keep it up Bobby Z!
  2. Welcome back to the north, Jack Donegan!
  3. Congrats to the team of Marty Donega, Jeff Raus and Chris Donegan for getting their first points this week!
  4. With 12 matches played for Week 1 makeups, I’ll be releasing the points for that week to the general standings. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR TEAMS POINT TOTALS MAY FLUCTUATE AS MORE RESULTS COME IN.

For Week 4, there are still two matches still outstanding (Kirkby v. Bobby Moran, Donahue v. Dale). There was also a matched pre-played for Week 5 (Prucha v. Zaleski).


Flight 1 Flight 3
 TJ Donegan  $      –  Bill Kirkby  $              –
 Chris Donegan  $      –  Jeff Raus  $              –
 Craig Hawkinson  $      –  Gary Thompson  $              –
 Steve Donegan  $      –  Tony Massa  BOG#10  $           18
 Jack Donegan  $      –  Tom Donegan  $              –
 Mike Carroll  $      –  Mike Mahar  $              –
 Pat Donahue  $      –  Pat Cregg  $              –
 Merritt Daniels  $      –  Paul Daniels  $              –
 Dale Russell  $      –  Mike Burns  PAR#14  $           18
 Connor Brown  $      –  Jim Morgan  $              –
 Dick Donegan  PAR#12  $     36  Bob Zaleski  $              –
 Devin Carrigan  $      –  Bob Moran  $              –
 Flight 2
 John Mooney  $      –  Bill John  $              –
 Marty Donegan  $      –  Dan Mahar  $              –
 Matt Lochner  $      –  DJ Mahar  BOG#11BIR#16  $           24
 Drew Prucha  $      –  Rick Fanto  $              –
 Joe Donegan  $      –  Denny Welch  $              –
 Jon Carroll  PAR#12  $     12  Mike Shanahan  $              –


Week 5
Chris Donegan 12 VS 7 Mike Burns
Marty Donegan 10 VS 11 Dale Russell
Jeff Raus 6 VS 10 DJ Mahar
Craig Hawkinson 13 VS 5 Bill Kirkby
Matt Lochner 11 VS 12 TJ Donegan
Gary Thompson 9 VS 10 John Mooney
Jack Donegan 12 VS 6 Mike Mahar
Joe Donegan 7 VS 14 Mike Carroll
Tom Donegan 8 VS 10 Jon Carroll
Merritt Daniels 12 VS 6 Bob Moran
Dan Mahar 9 VS 16 Devin Carrigan
Paul Daniels 3 VS 8 Mike Shanahan
Connor Brown 12 VS 7 Pat Cregg
Rick Fanto 8 VS 13 Pat Donahue
Jim Morgan 10 VS 11 Bill John
Dick Donegan 12 VS 8 Tony Massa
Denny Welch 11 VS 14 Steve Donegan
Bob Zaleski 1 VS 10 Drew Prucha