2019 Season Preview

Welcome, welcome, welcome….it is that time again, you sons-a-bitches. Winter is here on Game of Thrones and TBO has returned from beyond the wall. Tell your wives to not wait up for you on Thursday, tell the kids that they won’t get a bed time story and belly up to the Tanner Valley bar for just one more….

As most of you know, the IT Nerd likes to get a special guest to help us with the preview of the upcoming season. Given the pressures that faces the leader of the free world, I couldn’t expect our past guest to return. However, it turns out the ‘Executive Time’ that takes up 60% of the President’s calendar is him paying attention to TBO Golf! People are saying he doesn’t want the world to learn of his favorite golf league and have it ruined by the MSM!

So without further delay, Mr. President how did you spend your TBO offseason?

Just staring at the sun, Really? No other important matters? Just scorching those eyeballs? Ok, well, we’re glad to have you back for this preview, Mr. President! As you probably know, we have some new members to the league this year, Sean Mott and Ryan Murphy. Anything wisdom you’d like to bestow on them?

Wow, sound advice Mr. President! Anything you are looking forward to down at Tanner Valley?

We shall see, Mr. President! Let’s take a look at some of the teams and players. Anyone you see that is setting up for a big year?

Mr, President, that’s just one person! Which TEAM do you think will do well?

I tend to agree with those people, Mr. President. Connor is an extremely strong golfer, Morgan and Paul Daniels can be dangerous players in their flights with favorable quotas.

Come on, Mr. President. My name is ‘IT Nerd’, not Computer Dork.

Well, I suppose that is the prediction for my team, eh Mr. President?

WOW, strong stuff regarding my team! I can’ believe you think Tony can’t perform under that pressure? Do you think he is deadweight or something?

I don’t know if I can disagree with you, Mr. President. However, he performed ok last year and his team was up near the top. How about the classic team pairing of Tom and Jack Donegan?

Another historically strong player, DJ Mahar, has a good team with Fanto and Shanny.

OK, OK, OK, let’s calm down here Mr. President. We need to get a little more focused. Like Jack and Tom, there’s another team of brothers out there, Mike and Dan Mahar.

Hey, Hey, Hey!! Mr. President, you are supposed to be the President to everyone, not owning the libs!

I also wonder the same thing! Pat does have some partners tho, how do you think they will perform?

WOW, Mr. President. All I can say is wow…

C’mon Mr. President, if they are all losers like you say, are they your pick to finish last?

Good lord Mr. President, are we almost done with your predictions? I would like to volunteer my pick for the winner this year. I think the team of Pat Donahue, Denny and Raus are going to take it down.

Well, Mr. President, thank you so much for your prediction! We always enjoy you stopping by to talk your favorite golf league!