Week 1 Quotas and matches

Hard to believe our season starts next week! IT Nerd will be conducting his interviews this weekend to compile our Season Preview with the special guests, so stay tuned!

*Update: 4/22 – An calculation error was noticed in the formula used to bring in last year’s score and fixed.

Week 1
Mike Carroll13VS12Merritt Daniels
Ed Van Slyke10VS11Steve Donegan
Sean Mott11VS8Jim Morgan
Bob Moran7VS8Brian Thayer
Connor Brown16VS15Dan Kane
Craig Hawkinson12VS10Drew Prucha
Dale Russell9VS10Mike Shanahan
Bob Zaleski9VS6Bill Kirkby
Pat Donahue13VS15DJ Mahar
Jon Carroll13VS11Dan Keeley
Denny Welch11VS13*Rick Fanto
Mike Burns7VS9Joe Donegan
Devin Carrigan16VS11Dick Donegan
Paul Daniels11VS13Chris Donegan
Dan Mahar11VS10John Mooney
Mike Mahar9*VS10Marty Donegan
*Mike Mahar, Rick Fanto have two (2) Quota Points added to their quotas to account for the shift to the Yellow Tees.