Week 1 Match-ups

Below are the Week 1 match-ups and quotas. Remember, you’re quota is based upon your last 6 rounds. So for Week 1, it will be based on your last 6 scores from 2017. For Week 2, it will be based on your Week 1 score and 5 scores from 2017…and so on.

Week 1
Chris Donegan 12 VS 12 TJ Donegan
Marty Donegan 11 VS 11 John Mooney
Jeff Raus 6 VS 4 Bill Kirkby
Craig Hawkinson 13 VS 13 Steve Donegan
Matt Lochner 10 VS 11 Drew Prucha
Gary Thompson 8 VS 9 Tony Massa
Jack Donegan 12 VS 14 Mike Carroll
Joe Donegan 9 VS 11 Jon Carroll
Tom Donegan 9 VS 6 Mike Mahar
Pat Donahue 11 VS 14 Merritt Daniels
Bill John 10 VS 7 Dan Mahar
Pat Cregg 7 VS 4 Paul Daniels
Dale Russell 12 VS 14 Connor Brown
DJ Mahar 11 VS 10 Rick Fanto
Mike Burns 8 VS 9 Jim Morgan
Dick Donegan 13 VS 15 Devin Carrigan
Denny Welch 10 VS 10 Mike Shanahan
Bob Zaleski 3 VS 6 Bob Moran


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