Week 1-3 Status Updates, Week 4 Schedule

As always, Standings Page is updated with latest quotas for each player. Remember, the standings are subject to move based on how the team point is awarded. With Matches still open, it will likely move for your team

Here’s the latest on the Week 1-3 makeups. Green highlight means I have the card and the scores were entered. Send me or Chris any cards that are still outstanding.

Here’s also the Week 4 Schedule (w/quotas updated)

Look forward to seeing some of you mongoloids next Thursday!

Weeks 1 -3

Up to Week 12 or until fully completed, I’m going to post the Schedule for Weeks 1-3 and highlight in GREEN those cards which have been received and entered.

Getting me your cards ASAP after you play is important so I can enter them in a timely fashion. Screenshots, photos, etc…anything that I can save out in the OneDrive where the cards are stored.

Please note that as cards are entered for these weeks, your team points in the standings may be going up or down. This will be due to the Team Point changing hands as makeups come in.

For those that are playing make ups and would like to know what your Quota’s are, please go to the 2020 Standings Page. In the Individual golfer table, you’ll find the latest Quota’s for any golfer. I’ll do my best to keep that up to date, but it requires cards being submitted timely.

Here’s the cards I’ve got so far on Weeks 1 and 2.

IT Nerd

2019 Review, 2020 Preview

Well, well, well….its that time of the year again.

As is customary, the IT Nerd emerges from his dork hole after a winter’s slumber to gaze upon all the wonderful changes in the world since last season and prepare for another fantastic season.

  • Get the scoring spreadsheet updated for the new season? *CHECK*
  • Get Website updated for the new season? *CHECK*
  • Line up a special guest for the 2020 season preview? *CHECK*
  • Fresh, non-smelly water into the ball washers and fresh towels? *UNLIKELY*
  • Proper drainage at Tanner to avoid mud pits on 1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 17? *HIGHLY UNLIKELY*
  • Global pandemic fucking up the ENTIRE WORLD, WTF?!?!? *CHECK*

Before getting into some of the upcoming changes for this year and a 2020 preview, let’s take a quick look back at 2019. The first stats are about who was lucky or unlucky. I define unlucky as a golfer who had their opponent shot the lights out and lucky as a golfer who’s opponents shit the bed

2019 Top 5 “Lucky” golfers:

  1. Tie for first: Jim Morgan and Pat Cregg: Opponents were -27 vs. their Quota against the Sandbagger, while Cregger lulled his opponents to sleep with tales of Swallow’s
  2. Pat Donahue: Opponents shot -23 vs. quota as they struggled to understand how his shoes stay on his feet without being laced up.
  3. Matt Lochner: -20 vs. Quota…If only the Mets were so lucky.
  4. Sean “Dean” Mott: Mystified by the 427 drivers in his bag, opponents were -17 vs. Quota

2019 Top 5 “Unlucky” golfers:

  1. Connor “Fireball” Brown: Seems like every saved up their best shot for Connor with opponents going +17 vs. their Quota.
  2. Martin “These extra boxes of food are for my kids” Donegan: Tough second half for Marty. Opponents failed to meet their quota only once in that time, giving Marty a 1-2-7 record. Overall, his matches were +15
  3. Dale Russell – Dale’s opponents were +11 vs. Quota
  4. Two Tied at +10: Jack Donegan and Drew “Naughty Teacher” Prucha

Next up is the Over/Under performing golfers. What this looks at is how each golfer performed vs their Quota for each week

2019 Top 5 Over Performing golfers:

  1. Connor “Fireball” Brown: Amazingly, Connor was the best performing golfer vs. Quota with a +28. With Connor finishing with a .500 record, just goes to show that winning the league is not just how you shoot, but also how your opponent shoots as well.
  2. Devin “Snowflake” Carrigan: No shocker with Devin in this spot with a +23 vs. Quota. Devin was middle of the pack in terms of luck and that gave him and his team a spot in the finals. LUCK MATTERS, PEOPLE!
  3. Robert “YEAH BABY!” Zaleski: With a move to the Senior Tees, Bob shot a +21 vs. his Quota
  4. Pat Donahue: Laced up shoes or not, Pat had a good year by shooting +18 vs. Quota
  5. DJ Mahar: Widely regarded as one of the more successful TBO players, DJ was +7 vs. Quota even with a stinker of -9 in Week 1.

2019 Top 5 Under Performing golfers

  1. Jon Carroll: Bad year for a historically strong performer. Jon shot -20 vs. his quota (-2 per week). Will he be able to focus on getting back to prior glory in 2020?
  2. John Mooney: Not a good year to be named John/Jon in TBO. John was -19 vs. his Quota
  3. Denny Welch: Denny had an up and down year finishing -14 vs. Quota
  4. Three tied at -10: Tom Donegan, Rick Fanto, Chris “El Commish” Donegan

Now that we’ve reviewed some quick stats, let’s take a final peak at the Standings from 2019.

Devin CarriganDan MaharMike Mahar77               –  
Steve DoneganMatt LochnerJoe Donegan77               –  
Craig HawkinsonJon CarrollBob Zaleski71.5           (5.5)
Pat DonahueDenny WelchJeff Raus67         (10.0)

With the tie, we entered into a new 3-hole playoff format to determine the winner. Steve, Matt and Jaguar Joe Donegan emerged as victorious. While the IT Nerd’s pick to win it finished fourth, how did our special guest from that year call the 2019 season?

Donald J. Trump NAILS 2019 TBO!

And you all thought he wasn’t paying attention to the league???

Suck it, beta male cuck libs!

Well, Mr. President! So good to see you again this time of year. You’ve been quite a special guest for us the past few years, care to help us again this year?

How many times do I have to tell you, it’s “IT Nerd”, Mr. President! Another thing, it’s not the “China Virus”. It’s technical name is COrona VIrus 2019, aka COVID-19.

Corona Virus? You can talk? Listen, if you can hear me, please knock this shit off. We’ve got a golf league to play in the next few weeks.

Jesus, you are an insensitive prick. We’ve seen that there are a lot of proposed ways, to get rid of you. What is Tanner going to do to keep you out of our league?

Well, that doesn’t look like it’s going to help. What can I do to get rid of you?

Not a chance that’s happening. So if we’re not getting rid of you, can you at least help us with the preview for 2020? Sounds like you’ll be there whether we like it or not….Shall we dive right in to 2020?? Who’s excited folks?!

Wow, the returning champ Joe Donegan is awful excited to return and show us his breakdance moves! With Joe here, what do you think of Joe’s team of Joe, Lochner and Hawkinson?

Rough stuff for two of the defending champs! What about that third member of the defending champs Steve Donegan and his partners Chris and Bobby Mo?

Was that even a prediction? What does ‘Midas Whale’ even mean? OOOHHHHHHH, I get it….. You kids and your slang. Let’s focus on some fresh meat. How about the team with the new guy, Dan Kane, Fanto and Sandbagger Morgan?

Dan Kane is joining us to play golf, not cut hair COVID-19. What about a fan favorite team of Ryan Murphy, Jon Carroll, Tony Massa?

Grow up, COVID….How about you weigh in on my team? I like my chances this year. Denny in Flight 2 with Flight 1 talent, Paul Daniels set to dominate in Flight 3.

That is pretty harsh, 10th place!! God damnit, you are such an unrefined idiot COVID. Everyone knows it’s the ’87 merlot for the steak. You’ve been nothing but negative since you got here, how about some good news?

Thank you for those kind words, COVID. Agreed on that assessment. With Bobby in a groove from the Senior Tees and Connor regularly putting in strong performances, it’s a team to watch. Is there another team you’d peg for a strong showing this year?

Wow, on a roll here! Circling two teams to be near the top, I like it. What say we keep these positive picks flowing?

I know someone has to finish last, but that wasn’t a very nice way to do it COVID. I thought we were going to continue with the good news? Did you get distracted or something?

So I’m hearing of 3 teams in your top 5 so far (Connor/Mott/Zaleski, Dickie/Burns/Shannie, Devin/Dan/Kirkby). Who else do you have up there?

Burned by the smokes, interesting….So we’ve only got two teams left, TJ/Mooney/Tom Donegan and DJ/Dale/Mike Mahar. Who would you like to predict first?

I don’t blame TJ! As someone who was regularly teeing off at the end of the league, the rounds did take longer sometimes! Just the way it is, COVID. Well, that brings us to the last team of DJ/Dale/Mike Mahar. What are your predictions for that team?

I agree with the pick, but that zinger was just awful. I can’t deal with you anymore, COVID. I’m sorry, but you just need to go away so we can start the golf league. Vaccine is too far away and I’m not drinking #9 water, so how can I get rid of you??

No, you need to go….wait a second, I know what is going to get rid of you. Megachurch pastor Kenneth Copeland for the win??!

VICTORY!! Time to enjoy the season and hopefully each other’s company in the near future! Stay safe, stay sane out there TBO!!


Week 18 Results

Final Standings Page and Fantasy Page have been updated.


Flight 1 Flight 3
 DJ Mahar  BIR#12  $       5  Mike Shanahan  $              –
 Ryan Murphy  BIR#13  $       5  Marty Donegan  PAR#18  $             7
 Devin Carrigan  $      –  Mike Mahar  PAR#11  $             7
 Jack Donegan  $      –  Tom Donegan  $              –
 TJ Donegan  $      –  Bob Moran  PAR#15  $             7
 Pat Donahue  BIR#16  $       5  Jeff Raus  $              –
 Merritt Daniels  $      –  Bill Kirkby  $              –
 Dick Donegan  $      –  Pat Cregg  $              –
 Craig Hawkinson  $      –  Bob Zaleski  BIR#17  $             7
 Mike Carroll  BIR#17  $       5  Tony Massa  $              –
 Connor Brown  BIR#10PAR#11  $     10  Paul Daniels  $              –
 Steve Donegan  BIR#14  $       5  Joe Donegan  PAR#16  $             7
 Flight 2
 Rick Fanto  BIR#13  $     12  Chris Donegan  $              –
 Sean Mott  $      –  John Mooney  BIR#18  $           12
 Dan Mahar  $      –  Jon Carroll  $              –
 Mike Burns  PAR#12  $     12  Dale Russell  $              –
 Drew Prucha  $      –  Jim Morgan  $              –
 Denny Welch  $      –  Matt Lochner  $              –


Wk 18 Hole 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gross Differential Pts
Par 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 5
Rick Fanto 11 5 5 6 3 5 5 4 4 5 42.0 2.0 1
John Mooney 10 6 5 6 5 4 5 4 4 4 43.0 2.0 1
Mike Shanahan 9 5 7 6 4 4 5 5 6 6 48.0 -2.0 1
Pat Cregg 7 5 7 7 7 3 5 4 5 10 53.0 -2.0 1
Chris Donegan 12 4 5 6 5 4 4 4 4 6 42.0 0.0 0
Mike Burns 8 5 7 5 4 3 4 5 4 7 44.0 3.0 2
Mike Mahar 6 6 4 7 5 4 7 4 6 6 49.0 0.0 0
Joe Donegan 6 5 7 7 5 3 5 3 5 8 48.0 2.0 2
Devin Carrigan 15 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 4 36.0 4.0 2
Steve Donegan 13 4 5 5 5 2 6 4 5 4 40.0 3.0 0
Dan Mahar 12 4 5 7 5 3 8 4 5 6 47.0 -4.0 0
Matt Lochner 11 4 5 6 4 3 5 4 6 7 44.0 -1.0 2
Connor Brown 15 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 37.0 4.0 1
Ryan Murphy 15 4 6 5 3 3 5 3 4 4 37.0 4.0 1
Pat Donahue 14 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 4 5 37.0 4.0 0
Steve Pichoske 12 5 3 7 5 2 5 2 4 7 40.0 5.0 2
Jeff Raus 8 6 6 5 5 4 7 4 5 6 48.0 -1.0 0
Bob Zaleski 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 4 3 6 46.0 3.0 2
Jim Morgan 9 5 4 8 5 4 6 4 5 9 50.0 -2.0 0
Sean Mott 8 5 5 8 6 3 5 3 4 5 44.0 3.0 2


Player Quota Perf Pts Total Sub?
DJ Mahar 0 1 3.5
Rick Fanto 2 1
Mike Shanahan -2 1
Ryan Murphy 4 1 5
Sean Mott 3 2
Marty Donegan 0 1
Devin Carrigan 4 2 2
Dan Mahar -4 0
Mike Mahar 0 0
Jack Donegan 0 1 5
Mike Burns 3 2
Tom Donegan 0 1
TJ Donegan 0 1 3.5
Drew Prucha 0 1
Bob Moran 0 1
Pat Donahue 4 0 1
Denny Welch 0 1
Jeff Raus -1 0
Merritt Daniels 0 1 2
Chris Donegan 0 0
Bill Kirkby 0 1
Dick Donegan 0 1 3.5
John Mooney 2 1
Pat Cregg -2 1
Steve Pichoske 5 2 6 X
Jon Carroll 0 1
Bob Zaleski 3 2
Mike Carroll 0 1 3.5
Dale Russell 0 1
Tony Massa 0 1
Connor Brown 4 1 2
Jim Morgan -2 0
Paul Daniels 0 1
Steve Donegan 3 0 5
Matt Lochner -1 2
Joe Donegan 2 2


This is it folks…The IT Nerds prediction

Well, what good is a highly anticipated final match without a little predictions to make it interesting? Let’s break down the matches one by one and offer up our predictions. Devin and the Mahars vs. Steve/Lochner/Jaguar.

Match 1: Devin “Snowflake” Carrigan (15) vs. Steve Donegan (13)

  • Holes to watch: #10, #14, #16, #17. Devin and Steve share similar averages on the Par 3’s. A birdie on those holes could be the difference maker in the match
  • Prediction: Devin evens the match early and is able to hold off Steve for the remaining holes. Devin shoots a 37, ends up +4. Steve shoots 39, goes +2. Devin wins by 2 pts

Match 2: Dan “FantASY CHAMPION” mahar (12) vs. matt Lochner (11)

  • Holes to watch: #12, #13, #16. Hole #12 presents a great opportunity to create separation if someone can take advantage. Lochner has struggled to score on #13 and #16, while Dan has performed well on those holes. If Lochner can deliver par’s or better, he can take the match.
  • Prediction: Lochner is able to get through the first few holes by scoring on the first two holes and holds off Mahar for the win. Dan shoots 43 (-1), Matt shoots 41 (+2). Lochner wins by 3 pts. 

Looking forward to Matt’s post match comments on Spectrum News:

Match 3: Mike “Bud Heavy” Mahar (6) vs. Joseph “Jaguar Steelz” Donegan (6)

  • Holes to watch: #12, #14, #16 and by god #18
  • Analysis: This one is going to be the match that will decide it. The back is a tale of two fortunes for these golfers. Mike is 6-1-1 on the back, while Joe is 1-7-0. That would lead one to believe that Mike is going to kill Joe. However, their averages on the back are almost even (Mike 51.38, Joe 51.63) which leads me to believe that the records might be influenced by opponent performance compared to their own. As an even match, this will HIGHLY entertaining to watch. The entire league knows one thing: Joe Donegan + Hole #18 = 10.
  • Prediction: The match is tight for its entirety and heading into 18 the pressure is on Joe Donegan. In a close match, Mike shoots 49 (-1), Joe shoots 48 (0). Joe wins by 1 pt.


With the second place team making the comeback, its time for playoffs!



Yes, you said that last bit in the Jim Mora voice.

3-hole Playoff: Devin and the mahars (11) vs. steve/lochner/joe (10)

With the pressure of delivering on 18 squarely off Joe’s shoulders, I think he and his teammates are fully gassed at this point. With some much mental energy being spent, the team loses focus by the second hole and it’s over before it starts.

IT NERD Prediction: Devin and the Mahars close it out early with two birdies by the second hole. Valiant comeback, but just not enough to seal the deal.





Either way, should be fun!

Averages for 2019 through Week 17

18-Hole Average Front Back Change from 2018 2019 Avg
Flight 1 Devin Carrigan 77.50 40.00 37.50 -0.79 78.29
Connor Brown 77.96 39.33 38.63 -1.82 79.78
Ryan Murphy 80.67 40.67 40.00
Pat Donahue 80.89 40.89 40.00 -0.72 81.61
Steve Donegan 83.13 42.00 41.13 -1.54 84.67
Dick Donegan 83.28 41.78 41.50 -0.83 84.11
Mike Carroll 83.31 43.31 40.00 -0.58 83.89
DJ Mahar 84.49 43.11 41.38 -0.13 84.61
TJ Donegan 85.00 43.29 41.71 1.44 83.56
Merritt Daniels 85.35 43.22 42.13 -1.49 86.83
Craig Hawkinson 85.39 42.89 42.50 0.89 84.50
Dale Russell 87.02 43.86 43.17 -0.21 87.23
Flight 2 Matt Lochner 89.78 45.78 44.00 0.78 89.00
Jack Donegan 89.86 45.00 44.86 5.68 84.18
Drew Prucha 90.21 45.33 44.88 2.10 88.11
Dan Mahar 90.29 46.67 43.63 -0.71 91.00
Chris Donegan 91.03 45.78 45.25 3.47 87.56
Denny Welch 91.94 47.44 44.50 2.94 89.00
Jon Carroll 92.00 45.63 46.38 4.67 87.33
Rick Fanto 92.46 47.63 44.83 0.90 91.56
John Mooney 93.13 47.63 45.50 1.00 92.13
Marty Donegan 93.15 47.78 45.38 -2.40 95.56
Sean Mott 93.50 47.88 45.63 0.71 92.79
Mike Shanahan 93.50 47.88 45.63 -0.28 93.78
Flight 3 Mike Burns 93.64 48.50 45.14 -0.04 93.68
Tony Massa 94.68 48.25 46.43 -0.20 94.88
Jim Morgan 94.79 47.67 47.13 1.79 93.00
Pat Cregg 96.75 50.00 46.75 -2.50 99.25
Jeff Raus 99.63 49.00 50.63 -2.53 102.15
Paul Daniels 99.97 51.11 48.86 -3.14 103.11
Tom Donegan 100.37 51.57 48.80 2.84 97.53
Joe Donegan 101.05 49.43 51.63 3.40 97.65
Bob Moran 103.14 51.43 51.71 3.39 99.75
Bill Kirkby 104.17 52.67 51.50 1.67 102.49
Mike Mahar 104.71 53.33 51.38 1.46 103.25
Bob Zaleski 108.78 54.78 54.00 -3.22 112.00

Week 17, Week 18 Schedule

While there was 4 teams within striking distance heading into this week, its now just down to two. Devin and the Mahars (not to be confused with Benny and the Jets) and the team of Steve “Man’s Man” Donegan/ Matt “I mow golf balls through my own windows” Lochner/Joseph “Jaguar” Donegan.

Team Standings Pts Pts Back
Devin Carrigan Dan Mahar Mike Mahar 75                –
Steve Donegan Matt Lochner Joe Donegan 72            (3.0)
Pat Donahue Denny Welch Jeff Raus 66            (9.0)
Craig Hawkinson Jon Carroll Bob Zaleski 65.5            (9.5)
Connor Brown Jim Morgan Paul Daniels 64.5          (10.5)


Should be a very interesting final match!

At the bar after this week (where The Bar is Open), El Commish and the league officials discussed what to do in the event of a tie after conclusion of play for Week 18.

  • In the event of a draw, the teams will go to a 3 hole playoff. The playoff holes will be 1, 13 and 14.
  • The #1 seed will call a coin flip to determine the order of the holes. The winner will determine the order of the holes 14, 13, 1 or holes 1, 13, 14.
  • For the Quota for the 3 hole playoff, we will add up the teams’ quota for a 9 hole round. This will be based upon their quotas at the start of Week 18. That 9-hole team quota will then be divided by 3. The team that scores the highest amount of total points (regardless of flight) compared to their team quota will be declared the winner
    • To give an example for this upcoming final, Devin and the Mahar’s quota’s all add up to 33. Steve/Lochner/Joe have a total quota of 30.
      • Therefore, for the 3-hole quota number for Devin and the Mahars would be 11.
      • Steve/Lochner/Joe would be 10.
    • For future reference, if the team quota (say 29 total team points) divided by 3 will be ROUNDED DOWN. Since we round down numbers in the quota calculation, we need to round down numbers for this tie-breaker

Hope that explanation is clear as mud, you dopes….


On to Week 17 Results:

Flight 1 Flight 3
 DJ Mahar  BIR#5  $     12  Mike Shanahan  $              –
 Ryan Murphy  $      –  Marty Donegan  PAR#6  $             7
 Devin Carrigan  $      –  Mike Mahar  $              –
 Jack Donegan  $      –  Tom Donegan  $              –
 TJ Donegan  $      –  Bob Moran  $              –
 Pat Donahue  $      –  Jeff Raus  PAR#3  $             7
 Merritt Daniels  $      –  Bill Kirkby  $              –
 Dick Donegan  $      –  Pat Cregg  $              –
 Craig Hawkinson  $      –  Bob Zaleski  PAR#5PAR#9  $           14
 Mike Carroll  BIR#1BIR#2  $     24  Tony Massa  PAR#4  $             7
 Connor Brown  $      –  Paul Daniels  $              –
 Steve Donegan  $      –  Joe Donegan  $              –
 Flight 2
 Rick Fanto  $      –  Chris Donegan  PAR#4  $             9
 Sean Mott  PAR#9  $       9  John Mooney  $              –
 Dan Mahar  BIR#2  $       9  Jon Carroll  $              –
 Mike Burns #N/A  $      –  Dale Russell  $              –
 Drew Prucha  $      –  Jim Morgan  $              –
 Denny Welch  BIR#1  $       9  Matt Lochner #N/A  $              –
Week 18
Devin Carrigan 15 VS 13 Steve Donegan
Dan Mahar 12 VS 12 Matt Lochner
Mike Mahar 6 VS 6 Joe Donegan
Pat Donahue 14 VS 12 Craig Hawkinson
Denny Welch 9 VS 11 Jon Carroll
Jeff Raus 8 VS 6 Bob Zaleski
Connor Brown 15 VS 15 Ryan Murphy
Jim Morgan 9 VS 8 Sean Mott
Paul Daniels 7 VS 8 Marty Donegan
DJ Mahar 15 VS 13 Dick Donegan
Rick Fanto 11 VS 10 John Mooney
Mike Shanahan 9 VS 7 Pat Cregg
Mike Carroll 13 VS 12 TJ Donegan
Dale Russell 13 VS 10 Drew Prucha
Tony Massa 11 VS 5 Bob Moran
Merritt Daniels 13 VS 12 Jack Donegan
Chris Donegan 12 VS 10 Mike Burns
Bill Kirkby 5 VS 6 Tom Donegan


Wk 17 Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gross Differential Pts
Par 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 4
Matt Lochner 11 5 4 8 6 5 3 5 4 4 44.0 0.0 2
Mike Burns 10 7 4 7 4 6 5 7 3 7 50.0 -4.0 0
Denny Welch 9 4 4 7 8 4 5 6 4 5 47.0 0.0 2
Jon Carroll 12 5 5 6 7 6 4 5 4 5 47.0 -4.0 0
Steve Pichoske 11 6 4 6 5 4 4 5 3 5 42.0 1.0 0
Mike Carroll 13 4 3 7 7 4 3 5 4 5 42.0 2.0 2
Pat Donahue 14 5 5 7 5 4 3 5 3 6 43.0 -3.0 0
Craig Hawkinson 12 5 4 8 5 5 4 5 3 5 44.0 -1.0 2
Connor Brown 15 6 4 6 5 4 3 4 2 5 39.0 1.0 0
Ryan Murphy 15 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 4 37.0 3.0 2
Drew Prucha 11 6 5 6 5 5 4 5 3 8 47.0 -3.0 2
Dale Russell 13 7 5 8 7 4 3 5 3 5 47.0 -4.0 0
Jeff Raus 7 6 5 5 5 6 4 4 3 6 44.0 3.0 2
Bob Zaleski 5 7 4 8 6 4 5 5 5 4 48.0 2.0 0
Mike Mahar 5 7 4 8 5 6 4 4 3 7 48.0 3.0 2
Pat Cregg 7 7 4 7 7 5 4 6 3 5 48.0 0.0 0
Steve Donegan 13 5 4 5 6 4 3 5 3 5 40.0 1.0 2
Curt Smith 11 5 3 6 5 6 5 5 4 8 47.0 -2.0 0
Jim Morgan 9 5 5 7 8 5 4 3 3 5 45.0 2.0 2
Sean Mott 9 7 4 7 6 6 5 6 4 4 49.0 -4.0 0
Dan Mahar 12 5 3 8 6 6 3 4 3 5 43.0 1.0 2
John Mooney 9 5 5 6 6 5 6 4 3 5 45.0 0.0 0
Paul Daniels 7 7 5 6 5 7 4 4 4 6 48.0 0.0 0
Marty Donegan 8 6 4 7 5 5 3 4 4 7 45.0 2.0 2
Rick Fanto 11 6 4 8 8 6 3 3 3 5 46.0 0.0 0
Chris Donegan 11 5 5 6 4 4 3 5 4 5 41.0 2.0 2
Joe Donegan 6 10 5 9 5 5 5 4 4 8 55.0 -2.0 2
Tom Donegan 6 8 5 8 8 6 4 5 5 8 57.0 -5.0 0
Devin Carrigan 15 5 4 6 5 4 4 4 3 4 39.0 0.0 2
Dick Donegan 13 6 4 6 7 5 3 5 4 4 44.0 -2.0 0
DJ Mahar 15 5 4 7 5 3 5 5 3 6 43.0 -3.0 1
Merritt Daniels 13 7 4 5 6 6 4 5 3 4 44.0 -3.0 1
Bob Moran 4 7 6 7 5 5 4 5 3 5 47.0 3.0 2
Tony Massa 11 6 5 8 4 6 4 5 6 6 50.0 -6.0 0
Gary Thompson 9 7 5 7 6 6 4 7 4 4 50.0 -4.0 0
Bill Kirkby 4 6 6 8 6 5 4 5 4 6 50.0 1.0 2
Player Quota Perf Pts Total Sub?
DJ Mahar -3 1 1
Rick Fanto 0 0
Gary Thompson -4 0 X
Ryan Murphy 3 2 4
Sean Mott -4 0
Marty Donegan 2 2
Devin Carrigan 0 2 7
Dan Mahar 1 2
Mike Mahar 3 2
Curt Smith -2 0 0 X
Mike Burns -4 0
Tom Donegan -5 0
Steve Pichoske 1 0 5 X
Drew Prucha -3 2
Bob Moran 3 2
Pat Donahue -3 0 5
Denny Welch 0 2
Jeff Raus 3 2
Merritt Daniels -3 1 6
Chris Donegan 2 2
Bill Kirkby 1 2
Dick Donegan -2 0 0
John Mooney 0 0
Pat Cregg 0 0
Craig Hawkinson -1 2 2
Jon Carroll -4 0
Bob Zaleski 2 0
Mike Carroll 2 2 2
Dale Russell -4 0
Tony Massa -6 0
Connor Brown 1 0 3
Jim Morgan 2 2
Paul Daniels 0 0
Steve Donegan 1 2 7
Matt Lochner 0 2
Joe Donegan -2 2