Some stats….

Someone mentioned a few Thursday’s ago if I track double pars…the answer is yes, yes I do. Two section of stats.

First is your 2019 scoring distribution. Take Connor Brown for example. He has a Birdie percentage of 13.6%, which is about one birdie per round. That means of all the scores he registered on each hole, 13.6% of them were birdies. Second is a table showing the number of Double Pars that each player has recorded for 2019 as well as their number of double pars over all of 2018.

PlayerEagle %Birdie %Par %Bogey %No Pts %Dble Par %
DJ Mahar0.0%5.6%32.2%37.8%24.4%2.2%
Ryan Murphy0.0%6.2%40.7%44.4%8.6%0.0%
Devin Carrigan0.0%11.1%50.5%32.3%6.1%0.0%
Jack Donegan0.0%0.0%20.8%47.2%31.9%2.8%
TJ Donegan0.0%6.9%31.9%44.4%16.7%0.0%
Pat Donahue1.2%4.9%40.7%44.4%8.6%0.0%
Merritt Daniels0.0%5.1%34.3%43.4%17.2%2.0%
Dick Donegan0.0%5.1%46.5%31.3%17.2%0.0%
Craig Hawkinson0.0%6.9%33.3%41.7%18.1%0.0%
Mike Carroll0.0%1.1%52.2%32.2%14.4%1.1%
Connor Brown0.0%13.6%43.2%35.8%7.4%0.0%
Steve Donegan0.0%3.0%41.4%42.4%13.1%0.0%
Rick Fanto0.0%0.0%12.7%49.2%38.1%3.2%
Sean Mott0.0%3.3%25.6%35.6%35.6%3.3%
Dan Mahar0.0%2.5%28.4%25.9%43.2%3.7%
Mike Burns0.0%4.8%23.8%44.4%27.0%3.2%
Drew Prucha0.0%2.5%34.6%34.6%28.4%1.2%
Denny Welch0.0%2.0%17.2%52.5%28.3%1.0%
Chris Donegan0.0%0.0%17.8%50.0%32.2%0.0%
John Mooney0.0%1.4%15.3%43.1%40.3%1.4%
Jon Carroll0.0%2.5%14.8%49.4%33.3%3.7%
Dale Russell0.0%3.7%27.8%44.4%24.1%0.0%
Jim Morgan0.0%3.0%23.2%34.3%39.4%7.1%
Matt Lochner0.0%1.1%27.8%44.4%26.7%3.3%
Mike Shanahan0.0%2.2%23.3%38.9%35.6%0.0%
Marty Donegan0.0%4.4%15.6%40.0%40.0%3.3%
Mike Mahar0.0%1.1%10.0%24.4%64.4%12.2%
Tom Donegan0.0%2.2%17.8%35.6%44.4%8.9%
Bob Moran0.0%2.5%12.3%29.6%55.6%9.9%
Jeff Raus0.0%1.4%16.7%16.7%65.3%12.5%
Bill Kirkby0.0%0.0%6.7%32.2%61.1%3.3%
Pat Cregg0.0%0.0%24.7%32.1%43.2%3.7%
Bob Zaleski0.0%0.0%6.1%24.2%69.7%21.2%
Tony Massa0.0%0.0%18.5%33.3%48.1%4.9%
Paul Daniels0.0%0.0%10.0%40.0%50.0%4.4%
Joe Donegan0.0%0.0%22.2%27.0%50.8%14.3%



I’ve decided to apply the points earned so far to the various weeks (Weeks 8, 9, 11). With a lot of matches registered, I thought it best for the teams to see where they currently stand. I want to add one major caveat that I’m sure I’ll get questions on.

as matches are completed, the team point can move based upon results. therefore, your team’s point totals may increase or decrease.

Standings can be found here.


Updates on Make-ups

Just to reiterate El Commish’s email on the dates for the make-ups and when they are due:

  • Week 8 (6/13) – Make up by 7/25
  • Week 9 (6/20) – Make up by 8/5
  • Week 11 (7/4) – Make up by 7/11

When you send in a card, it’s helpful to write the date played on it. I can figure out the week easy enough. The matches highlighted in green have been recorded. Those non-green highlights are open matches.



Week 12 Matches

Quotas are adjusted based upon cards received so far. To those who gave cards to Chris, I’ve incorporated those.


Rick Fanto 8 VS 4 Bill Kirkby
DJ Mahar 11 VS 9 Chris Donegan
Mike Shanahan 9 VS 12 Merritt Daniels
Dan Mahar 9 VS 6 Tom Donegan
Devin Carrigan 15 VS 9 Mike Burns
Mike Mahar 3 VS 9 Jack Donegan
Drew Prucha 12 VS 2 Bob Zaleski
TJ Donegan 12 VS 7 Jon Carroll
Bob Moran 5 VS 12 Craig Hawkinson
John Mooney 8 VS 5 Joe Donegan
Dick Donegan 13 VS 10 Matt Lochner
Pat Cregg 7 VS 13 Steve Donegan
Dale Russell 11 VS 8 Marty Donegan
Mike Carroll 13 VS 7 Sean Mott
Tony Massa 6 VS 15 Ryan Murphy
Jim Morgan 8 VS 5 Jeff Raus
Connor Brown 15 VS 10 Denny Welch
Paul Daniels 5 VS 14 Pat Donahue

Outstanding Make-ups

I’ll try to keep posting the outstanding make-ups for Weeks 8 (Back), 9 (Front) and the pre-playing for 11 (Front). Green highlights means that the match has been played

Also, wanted to clarify a few questions regarding the makeups:

  • If I do a Double Match, what is my Quota? Will one of my matches change my quota?
    • You’re quota is based upon when you play your match, not what week the match is for. Therefore, it is important that cards for make ups are turned in timely and with the date played on them.
  • What Quota should I use when playing a makeup?
    • You should use your most recently published Quota
  • What happens to the round I played for a make up? Does that go into calculating my Quota?
    • Yes, the round will get entered and considered into calculating a player’s latest quota
  • What about the points for winning a match and the team point?
    • Until all the makeups are completed for a particular week, I am not going to be releasing those points into the standings.
  • When do I have to complete these make ups by?
    • You have until the start of play on 7/11 to complete these makeups.

Week 10 Results, Week 11 Schedule

Flight 1 Flight 3
 DJ Mahar  BIR#10  $       9  Mike Shanahan  $              –
 Ryan Murphy  $      –  Marty Donegan  $              –
 Devin Carrigan  $      –  Mike Mahar  $              –
 Jack Donegan  $      –  Tom Donegan  $              –
 TJ Donegan  $      –  Bob Moran  $              –
 Pat Donahue  $      –  Jeff Raus  $              –
 Merritt Daniels  BIR#13  $       9  Bill Kirkby  PAR#17  $           36
 Dick Donegan  $      –  Pat Cregg  $              –
 Craig Hawkinson  BIR#17  $       9  Bob Zaleski  $              –
 Mike Carroll  $      –  Tony Massa  $              –
 Connor Brown  BIR#18  $       9  Paul Daniels  $              –
 Steve Donegan  $      –  Joe Donegan  $              –
 Flight 2
 Rick Fanto  $      –  Chris Donegan  $              –
 Sean Mott  BIR#18  $     12  John Mooney  $              –
 Dan Mahar  $      –  Jon Carroll  $              –
 Mike Burns  BIR#14  $     12  Dale Russell  $              –
 Drew Prucha  $      –  Jim Morgan  $              –
 Denny Welch  $      –  Matt Lochner  BIR#12  $           12


Ryan Murphy 14 VS 13 Dick Donegan
Sean Mott 8 VS 8 John Mooney
Marty Donegan 8 VS 7 Pat Cregg
Pat Donahue 14 VS 13 Mike Carroll
Denny Welch 10 VS 10 Dale Russell
Jeff Raus 5 VS 6 Tony Massa
Jack Donegan 9 VS 11 DJ Mahar
Mike Burns 9 VS 8 Rick Fanto
Tom Donegan 6 VS 9 Mike Shanahan
TJ Donegan 12 VS 12 Craig Hawkinson
Drew Prucha 10 VS 7 Jon Carroll
Bob Moran 5 VS 1 Bob Zaleski
Connor Brown 15 VS 16 Devin Carrigan
Jim Morgan 8 VS 9 Dan Mahar
Paul Daniels 5 VS 4 Mike Mahar
Steve Donegan 13 VS 13 Merritt Daniels
Matt Lochner 9 VS 10 Chris Donegan
Joe Donegan 5 VS 4 Bill Kirkby


Wk 10 Hole 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Gross Differential Pts
Par 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 5
Mike Shanahan 8 4 6 6 4 3 4 4 5 7 43.0 3.0 2
Denny Welch 10 5 4 7 4 3 5 4 6 6 44.0 0.0 0
Dale Russell 11 4 6 8 4 3 3 4 5 6 43.0 2.0 2
Pete Jurkiw 11 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 42.0 1.0 0
Jim Morgan 8 6 7 6 4 6 5 3 5 6 48.0 -1.0 0
Steve Donegan 12 5 4 5 4 3 5 4 5 6 41.0 1.0 2
Devin Carrigan 15 4 5 6 4 4 4 3 4 5 39.0 0.0 2
Bill Kirkby 4 7 7 8 6 4 7 5 4 8 56.0 -1.0 0
Mike Mahar 4 6 6 8 5 4 6 5 5 10 55.0 -2.0 1
Chris Donegan 10 7 5 6 7 3 5 4 4 8 49.0 -2.0 1
Paul Daniels 4 6 7 6 4 5 5 4 5 6 48.0 3.0 0
Matt Lochner 8 4 5 4 5 3 4 4 6 6 41.0 6.0 2
Curt Smith 10 5 4 6 5 4 4 3 5 7 43.0 1.0 2
Jack Donegan 9 5 6 5 5 6 5 3 6 6 47.0 -2.0 0
Pat Cregg 7 5 4 6 4 3 6 4 5 7 44.0 3.0 0
Mike Burns 9 5 5 5 4 2 4 3 6 6 40.0 6.0 2
DJ Mahar 11 3 6 7 4 4 5 4 6 7 46.0 -2.0 2
Jeff Raus 5 6 7 7 6 6 6 4 6 5 53.0 -3.0 0
Eric Ellis 11 5 6 9 5 5 5 4 6 6 51.0 -6.0 0
Pat Donahue 13 5 4 6 5 3 4 4 4 7 42.0 -1.0 2
Connor Brown 15 5 5 5 4 3 5 3 7 4 41.0 0.0 2
Joe Donegan 6 6 5 9 5 3 5 4 8 10 55.0 -2.0 0
Dan Mahar 9 5 5 7 4 3 6 3 5 8 46.0 0.0 0
Merritt Daniels 11 5 5 4 3 3 5 3 5 5 38.0 7.0 2
Mike Carroll 12 4 4 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 39.0 3.0 2
Marty Donegan 8 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 7 45.0 1.0 0
Gary Thompson 10 5 4 8 5 4 6 3 6 8 49.0 -3.0 0
Bob Zaleski 0 8 7 7 6 4 6 3 8 5 54.0 3.0 2
Tony Massa 7 6 6 7 5 4 5 6 5 7 51.0 -4.0 0
Sean Mott 7 8 5 5 4 4 6 3 4 4 43.0 6.0 2
Drew Prucha 9 4 6 5 6 4 3 3 5 5 41.0 5.0 2
Craig Hawkinson 12 6 4 4 4 5 4 5 3 5 40.0 4.0 0
Dick Donegan 14 4 6 7 4 4 5 3 4 8 45.0 -4.0 0
Tom Donegan 5 5 4 5 6 4 6 3 7 5 45.0 5.0 2
Bob Moran 5 8 7 6 5 5 6 5 5 9 56.0 -3.0 0
Jon Carroll 8 6 5 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 47.0 -1.0 2


Player Quota Perf Pts Total Sub?
DJ Mahar -2 2 4
Eric Ellis -6 0 X
Mike Shanahan 3 2
Pete Jurkiw 1 0 3 X
Sean Mott 6 2
Marty Donegan 1 0
Devin Carrigan 0 2 3
Dan Mahar 0 0
Mike Mahar -2 1
Jack Donegan -2 0 5
Mike Burns 6 2
Tom Donegan 5 2
Gary Thompson -3 0 2 X
Drew Prucha 5 2
Bob Moran -3 0
Pat Donahue -1 2 3
Denny Welch 0 0
Jeff Raus -3 0
Merritt Daniels 7 2 4
Chris Donegan -2 1
Bill Kirkby -1 0
Dick Donegan -4 0 2
Curt Smith 1 2 X
Pat Cregg 3 0
Craig Hawkinson 4 0 5
Jon Carroll -1 2
Bob Zaleski 3 2
Mike Carroll 3 2 4
Dale Russell 2 2
Tony Massa -4 0
Connor Brown 0 2 2
Jim Morgan -1 0
Paul Daniels 3 0
Steve Donegan 1 2 5
Matt Lochner 6 2
Joe Donegan -2 0

Week 10 Schedule

DJ Mahar 12 VS 5 Jeff Raus
Rick Fanto 8 VS 13 Pat Donahue
Mike Shanahan 8 VS 10 Denny Welch
Devin Carrigan 15 VS 4 Bill Kirkby
Dan Mahar 9 VS 11 Merritt Daniels
Mike Mahar 4 VS 9 Chris Donegan
TJ Donegan 12 VS 0 Bob Zaleski
Drew Prucha 9 VS 12 Craig Hawkinson
Bob Moran 5 VS 8 Jon Carroll
Dick Donegan 14 VS 5 Tom Donegan
John Mooney 8 VS 9 Jack Donegan
Pat Cregg 7 VS 9 Mike Burns
Mike Carroll 12 VS 8 Marty Donegan
Dale Russell 11 VS 14 Ryan Murphy
Tony Massa 7 VS 7 Sean Mott
Connor Brown 15 VS 6 Joe Donegan
Jim Morgan 8 VS 12 Steve Donegan
Paul Daniels 4 VS 8 Matt Lochner

Week 9 Schedule

Week 9
Steve Donegan 12 VS 15 Devin Carrigan
Matt Lochner 8 VS 9 Dan Mahar
Joe Donegan 6 VS 4 Mike Mahar
Jack Donegan 9 VS 12 Craig Hawkinson
Mike Burns 9 VS 8 Jon Carroll
Tom Donegan 5 VS 0 Bob Zaleski
Ryan Murphy 14 VS 11 Merritt Daniels
Sean Mott 7 VS 9 Chris Donegan
Marty Donegan 8 VS 4 Bill Kirkby
Connor Brown 15 VS 13 Pat Donahue
Jim Morgan 7 VS 10 Denny Welch
Paul Daniels 4 VS 5 Jeff Raus
Dick Donegan 14 VS 12 TJ Donegan
John Mooney 8 VS 9 Drew Prucha
Pat Cregg 7 VS 5 Bob Moran
Mike Carroll 12 VS 12 DJ Mahar
Dale Russell 11 VS 8 Rick Fanto
Tony Massa 7 VS 8 Mike Shanahan